Sunday, April 10

When The Time Flies

I have to let this out. When my ipod played “These Streets” by Paolo Nutrini and followed by “For The First Time” by The Script, I found myself stuck between two countries, Aussie & US. It is like I am in the middle of the two countries, where another half is in State College and another half is in Sydney. Because by the time these songs were played not long time ago, I was sitting on the rock, with my legs hanging, facing the sea, the moon and you. And now, when these songs were played, I was looking out of the window with trees still naked but thank god, the sun does shine brightly.
But there is no sea, there is no you and there are just wall and internet. Plain

I hate reminiscing past. It suffocates me. It makes my heart beating faster. It makes me wondering which one is more crueller? Time or me thinking the past. But I do prepare myself. I think I did. When I was in Sydney, I closed my eyes and tell myself that someday when you open your eyes again, you will be in US. Periosd. I tell you what, I do prepare but it will never work when the memories are so memorable.
I have to let this out. Time, I really hate you. Cause when you fly, you fly together with my good memories.

By the time I am jotting this down, I know one thing for sure. When I open my eyes for 454686th times ,I am back in Malaysia.

Hoping my heart can bear it all.