This is very interesting. I found this very interesting. Tengoklah kaki bulu2 tu IN THE PINK HEELS. I don’t know why, but I found this very funny and yet very creative to send their message.
VERY VERY straightforward though.
By the way, most importantly, the respect toward women. Man out there, please be sensitive. Especially to Malay guy out there. Just a little sensitivity toward women. That’s all it takes.
*Bukannye bukak pintu utk sendiri keluar pastu slammed close on the women’s face, very insensitive kan?
And today, I found very weird piece of art. I stood there and stared blankly for quite some time. I can say……it does disturb me. See the hole in the big circle thing? There were a lot of red tiny balls inside the hole. -_-“
Sometimes, something is not necessarily to be defined, in order to be art. I get it now.