Thursday, November 29

I'd rather choose the banana bread over the pancakes

November really challenge what I used to believe and used to have faith on. When it all mixed up, it is hard to know which is which, and I am afraid no longer I would listen to the heartbeat again. At the age of 24, love making more sense. How you would fall in love again and again on the same smile, and yet no one believe in it, not even you. Cause it has been so much hypocrisy and pretending and being optimistic that everything gonna be just fine. Perhaps, fine does have different perspective now. When I am not working and focusing, my brain wandering around to the same thing. Drowning in my own world. If falling in love so much like gravity, why we cared so much on standing tall. No point.

Meet at the skyfall. Love always have the way to find each other again. If not this moment, another moment will do. Like how ‘the lakehouse’ is, or the winter garden was. Or it could be what we really wanted, is not necessarily what we need. But the heart wanted it, what else could be more addictive? For the first time in my life, I have all my  feeling defined, like how the scrabble letter coming fit in to each other forming the word. It feels like it settle down by itself without even trying. Love should not be ethical right? If not, heartbreaker or broken heart unlikely to be exist in this world. How would I mumbling about this. Oh yeah, when I am married, I will see this post and see who’s next to me. Will I be seeing you again?