Sunday, September 18

Missing Kisses

These past three weeks, I feel like zombies. One of the early birds, and I slept early like a baby when I kiss home. Weekend is not as it sounds; not until Eid done. I have been missing some kisses on the screen, but I think about him all the time.

Tuesday, September 13

Life is Not A Plastic Cup


It is not a lack of love, but lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriage. Not that I am married, but I just simply believe in this.

Monday, September 5

The Voice is Telling You Everything

His voice tell you something, it is the denial within yourself keeping you away from the truth but somehow you like it that way, not that you like it, but somehow you want to keep it moving, to make it linger longer, to rely on time to heal everything.

Hence I need the strength to never stop believing in time.